Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Got my response...

So, yesterday... kind of a crappy day, it was icky outside, and it was Monday, and Maine lost the hockey finals in overtime at an amazing game the day before, and I just wanted to sleep. Then I had to walk home in the rain, which wasn't that bad, because I live less than a 10 min walk away from school, but it was cold and wet. I went to my mailbox to grab the mail, and I see a large envelope, with MICKEY MOUSE ON IT OHMYGAWD. I ran to my house, quickly opened the door, and tore open the package, there on my counter sat the most beautiful thing I'm pretty sure I have ever seen... a golden folder that shone with the awesomeness of an experience I knew would change my life. Yeah, baby yeah, I got accepted!!!!!!
I'M GOING TO DISNEY! I'm arriving September 1st! I can't waitttt! Now that I know I got in I will definitely be blogging more often, and I will update you on absolutely everything! Not really, wouldn't it get annoying if I made a blog post about my shopping experience to buy shorts and stuff? Anywhoo, I have to go to my school for a chamber choir concert, and I'm sick, haha won't that sound AMAZING. So, hopefully later I'll make a blog about something supah fun!
Also, sorry I didn't make a blog when I said I would! :P I'm a bad person... I know.
And, to Hayle, I'm very very sorry you didn't get in, although this may sound a little selfish, I'm upset you didn't get in a lot because I feel like I've been deprived of what could have been an absolutely amazing friendship. Keep your head up, and I promise I will keep you updated on everthing!! :)