Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chinese Food

We got chinese for dinner, nothing special, right? WRONG! Chinese food is so delicious, and we never get it. Anyway, that's beside the point, I got a fortune cookie, and it read "You are heading for a land of sunshine" Florida? Am I going to Florida? To DISNEY??? I'm really not a believer in this sort of thing, but I don't care. I'm pretending it is a sign from the gods of Disney.It also said one of my lucky numbers was 18, and I'm turning 18 in 18 days! It also told me how to say "She is a teacher" in chinese, but I don't think that's relevant. Yup. Sorry I know I'm posting really late, but it's because I was outside like, all day! It was so nice out. It was 54 degrees at one point, I was outside in a T-shirt! 'Twas great. I SAW DUCKS! I named them Donald and Daisy. So you guys know what's a good movie? Natonal Treasure. I know pretty much every line in that movie. I tried to watch it today, but the DVD started skipping :( Haha, I'm blogging about nothing. Lets try to blog about something more relevant?
Here we go: Nope, can't think of anything. Wasn't this AWESOME like I promised. Don't deny it, you know this was absolutely the best thing that you have ever read.
Powell: [referring to the underground staircase] How do a bunch of guys with hand tools build all this?
Ben Gates: Same way they built the pyramids - and the Great Wall of China.
Riley Poole: Yeah... the aliens helped them.
Love. That. Movie. (National treasure... in case you haven't seen it. See it. NOW)
Note: For all of you who are blogging with me, I'm going to try to come up with another questionare thingy like I did earlier. So we can maybe have something of substance to blog, would you guys be in? Lemme know.
The End


  1. oh your blog made me smile! Though I do not care for chinese, except the cheese wantons. haha.. but girl, that is a sign, a very very good sign. but oh yes, the weather was lovely, I was outside as well...I LOVE national treasure..

    and I think you should. I would be fun!! so I am in

  2. I love your posts! That are amazing! And that totally was a sign...I got my horoscope in a mag (Im a scorpio) and it said that I was headed for an, maybe it is a sign!!

    And I love the questionares!!! You should make another one! Love national treasure!!
