Monday, March 1, 2010

'Ello Poppet

Ok, my phone interview is in two days, and I am getting more and more anxious by the second. I keep trying to prepare, but I'm just epic failing. I don't really know what to do, well I know what to do, but I usually over prepare for things, and this is something you really can't prepare for too much. So yeah, not working out so well.

I'm so amused, because everyone who is blogging about the Disney CS are doing what I would call "fidget blogging" (Including me), meaning we don't really know what to talk about, but this is keeping us distracted from thinking about waiting, so we're doing it anyway. Haha! I love it! On the topic of waiting, everyone is wondering when their packets are going to come, (if accepted) and I just wanted to let everyone know, that Disney very likely sends them all out in bulk, instead of individually, (like they did with the Email) so, we all, who are doing our phone interviews within the next week or so, will probably have to wait for our packets (... if we get in...) for the longest time. 4-5 weeks I would say... sorry! This would also account for why some people waited so long, and others waited very little. But on the upside, I'm ok with waiting, because my 18th birthday is on the 25th! So that will most likely keep me occupied for a while :) For anyone whose birthday is not near then... I'm very sorry.... I would suggest blogging, lots and lots of blogging. If you guys get your packets soon though, I'm sorry that I made you stress, <3

Also, I just watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Be jealous :)

1 comment:

  1. eek. tomorrow is the big day. im so nervous. but you'll do fine!!

    and yes. we blog about nothing. but it helps and its fun. haha.
    but happy early birthday. mines in ive got some time before im 18
