Monday, March 8, 2010


Je n'aime pas parler francais. ( I don't like speaking french) So, I'm not going to. Anyway, like I said, questionssssss:

Quick! What is your mothers maiden name?
... Cooley

Good, good. What is your favorite food?
Taylor likes watermelon yum yum.

What do you think of roller coasters?
I LOVE ROLLER COASTERS! They're so relaxing. :)

Do you cook? What?
I do cook, but mostly desert, because desert is the best part.

Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yeah, once, and I got highlights a while ago. I didn't really like them all that much so I'm letting them grow out. But I dyed a strip of my hair red for swim :0 and it's still there. I kinda like it, it makes me feel tough, it's like "yeah.. don't mess with me, I dyed my hair red foo!"

Peanut M&M's, my favorite.


Favorite Kind of movie:
Sci Fi and Disney :)

What TV shows do you like?
Doctor Who, House, CSI, Merlin... others, I can't think of them.

How is a raven like a writing desk?
Je ne sais pas.

Are you weirded out by the randomness of these questions?
Yes, whoever wrote these is crazy.

What is your most prized possession?
My laptop, I'm addicted to the computer.

Are you reading any books right now?
Yes, Sherlock Holmes. I saw the movie and felt guilty for not reading the books, so I did, and they are AWESOME.

What is the one thing you are most proud of (Don't be modest now!)
Captain of the swim team. :)

Are you upset that this is the last question?

Tell me one interesting fact about you. (Ha! I said it was the last question, this is a statement)
There is really nothing interesting to tell about me... One of my distant cousins dated Jude Law. wooo, exciting. (Also, apparently for the whole life of this blog, I've been spelling 'exciting' as 'exiting' My bad, and I've been saying it a lot because... I'm excited.

I really like the 'epic quote' thing, (even though I'm kinda stealing it from Haley, FORGIVE ME!) so, I'm going to do it again:
Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass: I can't make that pitch Coach.
Coach Boone: Yes you can. When I was fifteen years old I lost my mother and my father in the same month Ronnie, same month. 12 brothers and sisters I was the youngest one of them, now I wasn't ready either, but they needed me. Your team needs you tonight, you're the Coronel, you're going to command your troops! Twins right 48 zero read, *go!*
Coach Paul 'Doc' Hines: You have twelve brothers and sisters?
Coach Boone: Eight.
Coach Paul 'Doc' Hines: Yeah, twelve sounds better.
(Remember the Titans + Taylor = Love)

Until the next post, I bid you... Goodnight


  1. your answers make me smile like no other.. and exiting exciting. whats the difference.

    but holy man. Jude Law. dang

  2. and its okay the whole quote thing. im glad you liked it enough to start it yourself

  3. hey did you know Ronnie Bass played for the College Football team I love almost as much as Disney? South Carolina Gamecocks :)
