Saturday, March 6, 2010

I have no idea.

Hi guys! I feel bad because I haven't blogged for a while, but that's really because I have no idea what to blog about. Mostly because I don't want to get too into this, and blog about what I'm going to do when I get there and what I'm going to pack bla bla bla, and then find out I didn't get into the program... because that would just be not so great. I'm pretty sure I'm to anxious to care though, and I'll end up blogging about random thingies like that anyway. Sorry for the short and dissapointingly lame blog! I'll do something super cool tomorrow, promise.


  1. lol I know what you you could tell from my blog yesterday...I didnt have anything cool to blog about eaither....but Never fear! For if(WHEN) we get in, we will have many things to blog about!!

  2. its okay. lately my blog has been about nothing of importance. but i understand and agree fully with you, I dont want to get into blogging and not make it in..but like nichele said when we get in we will have a lot to blog about :D
