Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Phone Interview!

Well, not exactly what I was expecting, but not bad. The interviewer just wasn't really responsive. That's ok! I think I did pretty darn good if I do say so myself :)
Literally right after the interview was over I was like "holy crap, I have to wait a long time for this... Fudge Muffins!" 4 weeks after today is the 31st, I can wait until then... If I'm Rumpelstiltskin and I sleep for a month! laksjfhie But for all of you out there who are waiting with me, think about this; four weeks is not a long time at all. We're all around 18 years old, we've been alive for nine hundred, thirty six weeks. 4 weeks is only .42% of our already lived years. Yeah, we got this.
Also, check this out. I'm pretty sure this could keep you buisy for four years: Make an account, tell it your interests, and boom! four weeks just flew by.


  1. ah phone interviews. they are pure madness. i just wish we knew now if we made it. but four weeks psht. thats nothing..but knowing my will drag on..and on.

  2. well, when you're expecting will seem to drag on forever....and ever....and ever....

  3. I'm sending pixie dust your way.
    Hope you get in!! :)
