Sunday, February 28, 2010

Disney + Me

Well, it might seem like, from my previous post, that I kind of stumbled upon this program, and that I'm not a devoted Disney lover. Well, stumble upon it I did, but I really am such a Disney devotee!
When I was a little tyke, my favorite movie was The Little Mermaid, and I would watch it over and over and over. My sister's was Sleeping beauty, and she made me watch that over and over and over. Actually, I pretty much watched every Disney movie I owned over and over and over (except Bambi, that movie scared the crap out of me, and it still does. Don't ask me why). Who doesn't when their little? When Toy Story came along, it was the beginning to a beautiful obsession between me and everything Disney. I never have gotten over the awesomeness of that movie, or any Disney/Pixar movie since then. I love 'em all so much! I have Disney scene it, and I have not met anyone who can beat me at it. As I grew older, my love of Disney did not fade, and when my friends wanted to go see the new horror movie, I wanted to see Wall-E. I really don't know what I want to go to college for, but I've been thinking film lately, and what better way to explore that than to work at Disney? That's a trick question. There is no better way. Anyway, next post will be about my thoughts on the program, and what I've heard about other peoples experiences were and I'll blab about those too. :)

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