Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thoughts on Disney

Soooo, I found out about the program and I had a complete freak out. I was so exited and giddy, that I was tearing up and couldn't stop smiling. From that moment until now, my patience has been my enemy, because it seemed to run away and I just can't find it. In a futile attempt to keep me from having some sort of 'I can't wait any longer and now I'm going to explode' attack, I have occupied myself by learning more about the program, by googling, and youtubeing and now I'm going to talk about the things I have found out.

The thoughts that were racing through my mind when I discovered this Pot O' Gold (I don't know why I'm calling the program that either, but I like it. So DEAL.) went something like this... "Disney! I love Disney, Walt Disney World the theme park I would live there! I would work there, BUT I WOULD LIVE THERE AND I WOULD GO TO THE PARKS ON MY DAY OFF AND I WOULD BE LIVING IN MY FAVORITE PLACE IN THE WHOLE WORLD! The working thing, wasn't really what I thought about too much. I was aware that I was going to, and I was exited to work, but It wasn't really super prevalent in my mind, I was more thinking about the 'Disney, I'll be living there, I will be going to the parks every day, holy crap' aspect. As I did more research and simmered down a little bit, I learned that this isn't going to be easy work. Well, easy as in it doesn't take nearly as much brain power as school I suppose, but these days working will be long, and buisy, (and hot) and even though I know I will be the peppy, happy person that I always am and I will love my job, I'm sure that I will be very tired, and want to not work so much. Don't get me wrong! I'm very exited to work, I really am. I am so ready for this challenge! But, I know that it's not going to be anywhere to an equal work to play ratio.

Another thing that I found was that pretty much everyone who blogged or vlogged about the Pot O' Gold, said that many people weren't enjoying it at all, and that if you wanted to be successful that you had to realize that this experience is what you make it. Meaning (I think), that if you come into it with an understanding of what you are going to do, and you are exited and ready for the good and bad that lies ahead, you will have the experience of a lifetime. I also think that many people who were unhappy with what they got, were unhappy because they didn't know what they were getting into, (I don't actually think that, I know, because they said it in their videos and blogs. They also mentioned that many other people felt the same way as them.) I believe that they had the problem that I had, before I did all my obsessing. They didn't realize that this wasn't going to be similar to their trips to WDW. They got over exited about all the fun things that come with leaving home, like partying far far away from home with nobody to tell them what to do, and being completely independant, that they didn't realize that it wasn't going to be all fun.

For me, I (now) realize that, if I get in, this is going to be the most amazing thing I have done in my entire life, and that I will have an amazing time everyday. I've already made new friends just talking about possibly getting into the Pot O' Gold, and I can't imagine how great of a time I'm going to have!

Disney + Me

Well, it might seem like, from my previous post, that I kind of stumbled upon this program, and that I'm not a devoted Disney lover. Well, stumble upon it I did, but I really am such a Disney devotee!
When I was a little tyke, my favorite movie was The Little Mermaid, and I would watch it over and over and over. My sister's was Sleeping beauty, and she made me watch that over and over and over. Actually, I pretty much watched every Disney movie I owned over and over and over (except Bambi, that movie scared the crap out of me, and it still does. Don't ask me why). Who doesn't when their little? When Toy Story came along, it was the beginning to a beautiful obsession between me and everything Disney. I never have gotten over the awesomeness of that movie, or any Disney/Pixar movie since then. I love 'em all so much! I have Disney scene it, and I have not met anyone who can beat me at it. As I grew older, my love of Disney did not fade, and when my friends wanted to go see the new horror movie, I wanted to see Wall-E. I really don't know what I want to go to college for, but I've been thinking film lately, and what better way to explore that than to work at Disney? That's a trick question. There is no better way. Anyway, next post will be about my thoughts on the program, and what I've heard about other peoples experiences were and I'll blab about those too. :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Post!

Hey guys, bear with me as I try to understand this whole 'blogging' thing. It's new to me :) I will mostly be blogging about the Disney Careerstart program if you want to know more about it, check out or if you want to talk to some awesome people about it, check out Also, note that I am a very sarcastic person, I am also very bad at sarcasm... so if something seems weird or mean it's most likely that I'm being sarcastic... yeah. So, I know a lot of us, who are applying for the program or maybe just a couple(?) are blogging now about this. Which is very exiting! I've been reading them and they are awesome! So I thought maybe we could all answer a few question thingys? Maybe? Well, I'm going to, and If you guys read this and want to as well... you should, and maybe add a few of your own? ANYWAY:

1. How did you find out about the careerstart program?
Well, I have been freaking out about college for pretty much my entire high school career, because I have NO idea what I want to study, what I want to do when I get out of college, or where I want to go, and one day while having dinner with my father, he suggested taking a year off. When I thought about that it was like a whole new world opened up for me and I knew that getting some work experience for a year would really help me understand what I want to do. That night while I was talking to my friend online about my new discovery, she said that I should work at Disney. "riiiiight, Disney. that's where I'll go to work..." I thought she was, like, so on drugs at that moment, but she sent me the link to the website, I watched the E-Presentation, did lots of research, and two days later, my application was faxed in.

2. (If you get in) What are some things that your not so exited for/extremely nervous about?
The Heat. I am from Maine, I love Maine. It's cold in Maine. I really can't stand the heat, I DO NOT LIKE IT. It's not like I've never been to hot places before, I've been to Florida tons of times, almost every year, once in the summer (that was death), but not for a long period of time. That's just something I know will be really tough for me, but I suppose I can get over it to work at the most awesome place in the world.
Being away from home. I love my family and friends, and I know I'm going to miss them like crazy, and be homesick sometimes. It's like an official closing to the first chapter of my life. But I also know that I'm ready to get away from home and start a new one, and I'm super exited! It's a horrible conflict of emotion. Terribly sad to say goodbye to your friends and the life you have known for 18 years, and the thrill of becoming a new person who is independant and making their own way, along with making new friends that I know will last a lifetime :D

3. What are some things you are very exited about?
Well, I'm exited for almost everything, but the things I'm most exited for, would have to be
Working. I've never had a real, paying job before, but I've always wanted one, and I know I would be a great worker, and I can't wait to make people's vacations magical, so I'm definately very exited for that!
People. Meeting new people and making new friends is something I love doing, and I already have through what I have done already! So I can't imagine how much fun I will have with everyone If I do this!
It's F-ing Disney. So, imagine that I've been working for a few days and now I have a day off. What to do? Sleep in a little and then... GO TO A WATER PARK! or.... GO ON SOME ROLLER COASTERS!... or SEE A SHOW! All for free. Yeah, that's exiting.

4. What is one little thing that you can't stop thinking about when you imagine doing the program?
Like I said earlier, I've been to florida a lot, and my favorite thing to do was to take evening walks. Where it was cool and warm at the same time, and you could smell the floridian air. It's so relaxing and wonderful. Last time I went to florida in October, we went to downtown Disney in the evening, and I can't express the magic that I felt. It was just amazing.

I am so sorry for the ridiculously long post. I'm very exited/nervous for my phone interview on the 3rd. :)